Emu-foot Grassland
Emu-foot Grassland is accessed at the carpark end of Spicer Boulevard and Henry Drive, Altona Meadows. This Western Basalt Plains, rocky knoll is an endangered plant community with distinct basalt floaters which are seen throughout this reserve. Plant species such as Cullen tenax - Emu-foot pea or Tough scurf pea is listed as endangered under Victorias Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG). Other plant species include locally rare and threatened plants along with restricted wildlife. Access is made in the northern end of the reserve, with a fomalised recycled gravel track. Forbs and herbaceous species have been planted along this track to give visitors a closer look at some of the plants which were once widespread across the municipality. Please adhere to the gravel path due to the delicate nature of the establishing plants and dogs are unathourised in this small reserve. A reminder that snakes occur naturally in Hobsons Bay. To become involved with the Friends of Skeleton Creek contact Council - 9932 1000 or email ranger@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au for further information.
Henry Drive, Altona Meadows 3028 View Map
Henry Drive ,
Altona Meadows 3028
Henry Drive ,
Altona Meadows 3028
Emu-foot Grassland
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